Members' workout requirements are always changing, which means we need to add new equipment to the gym. A must-have was a third Squat Rack, the Atlantis Half Rack. More people are starting to incorporate functional (and fundamental) exercises like deadlifts, lunges and squats into their training which necessitated us to add another Squat Rack into the weight room. In the past people would stay clear of exercises like squats because were under the impression they were only beneficial in a competition setting with the sole purpose of lifting a maximum amount of weight. Now people are starting to realize that squats are the perfect exercise for both shaping the legs and glutes while complimenting a variety of other body parts. It's great to see people are now challenging themselves with these types of exercises.
The leg platform is a very diverse piece of equipment. It looks very simple as it's just an adjustable step; but it would take more than your 2 hands to count the amount of exercises you can do with it. Step ups, lunges, reverse lunges, box jumps, box squats, stiff-leg deadlifts, incline push-ups, and the list goes on. Get creative with the leg platform, it's durable and build for a serious workout.
Most machines work front-to-back. The Helix turns tradition on its side— literally. With lateral (or side-to-side) movement, you use more muscles, which means you burn more fat than during a traditional workout– in the same amount of time. Plus Helix’s patented motion tones your butt, core and inner/outer thighs better than old-fashioned cardio machines.
Common Misconceptions about the weight room
So many people that are both new to the weight room or long time users become deterred from the gym because they haven’t achieved the results they had expected from their weight routine. There are many common misconceptions about lifting weights that cause people to start on the wrong track and are then left feeling discouraged.
Lifting weights will make you big and bulky; false. The primary benefit of lifting weights is increased lean muscles, but increased lean muscles doesn’t mean enormous muscles. For men it is a lot easier to get big muscles, but still takes years of heavy training. In the case of women, they just are not genetically programmed to build thick and bulky muscles. Other benefits of weight lifting include increasing metabolism and lower body fat, a greater resistance to injury and improved overall health. So don’t ignore the weight room, embrace weight training and use it to build the body you want.
Doing Ab exercises everyday will result in a flat stomach and well-defined 6-pack Abs; false. Abdominal (Ab) exercises are resistance training and like weight training, are used to develop the targeted muscles. We need to remember that muscles and body fat are two completely different things, so once we develop our Abdominal muscles it does not change the fact that there still might be some fat lying on top of them. Spending a majority of a workout everyday training Abs will become very repetitive and boring; dedicating some time twice a week Ab exercises is lots.
It is possible to spot reduce fat from one area of the body; false. Repeating an exercise over and over will do nothing more than condition that particular muscles to perform that exercise. To reduce body fat, we need to adjust what we eat so that the calories we ingest are slightly lower than the calories we burn, signalling the body to start burning fat for energy. On the extreme end of this, when we begin to starve ourselves our body goes into survival mode and will begin to store fat in the body for future requirements. We have no control over what area the body fat will accumulate; it is all genetically predetermined. For some people it is in the stomach, for others it’s the hips or butt. Just as we have no control over where it will end up, we have no control over where it will come off.
The key to success in health and fitness is the understanding that it takes patience in the process and the willingness to always learn, to change old habits and adapt.